Nice to Meet You!
My name is Ditza Gottlieb, mother of 3 beloved daughters And a physiotherapist specializing in women’s health and pelvic floor rehabilitation.

I Believe
I believe that every woman can recover or improve the problem that she came to treat, as well as the ability to improve her quality of life in general.
My role is to pave the way together with you – in the physical, perceptual, emotional, and behavioral aspects while arousing feelings of motivation, interest, trust, and capability.
I operate from the values of human love, giving, fairness, reliability, sociality, and cultural adaptation.
It is important for me that my patients feel security, trust, and reciprocity.
I do so by creating a therapeutic space with privacy, discretion, attention, and enough time where I can be with you and for you.
I bring to this space a combination of broad and up-to-date professional knowledge, many years of professional experience, and my ability to diagnose and observe your personal needs. Together we will set your goals and treatment plan, and select from state-of-the-art techniques.

Between the years 1988-2023 I have worked in Maccabi Health Services as a physiotherapist and in professional management positions, of which
12 years in the position – Director of national physiotherapy at Maccabi Health Services.
My Professional Way
I have realized my affinity for therapy and movement with the help of the physiotherapy profession. I studied and pursued this profession with great passion for the last 35 years, 30 years, of which, are in the field of women’s health.
The birth of my first child in 1990 opened up to me a new and fascinating world of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood and from there, the path to choosing the world of women’s health, as the area of my professional development, was short. My professional milestones included training such as preparation for childbirth, pelvic floor rehabilitation, diagnosis and treatment with biofeedback – SEMG, sex and sexuality, pelvic pain rehabilitation during pregnancy and childbirth, women’s health during menopause, certification for pessary fitting, and more. I chose to do my research for a Master’s degree in Physical therapy on pelvic floor ultrasound (1) and at the same time I studied Group Facilitation at Bar Ilan University to allow women who are interested in it, to benefit from the power of the group, as an additional therapeutic channel.

I invite for treatment women who suffer from pelvic floor problems throughout the life cycle including – adolescence, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, golden age, and more.
Pelvic Floor Problems
Weakness of pelvic floor muscles
Frequency and urgency in urinating (difficulty in holding back, frequent running to the bathroom)
Stress incontinence (while coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting weights, jumping, running and more)
Nocturia (frequent urination at night)
Leakage of gases/feces, difficulty in emptying (constipation)
Prolapse of Pelvic organ
Pelvic pain
Pain during sex
Group Therapy
Apart from individual therapy, I also hold therapy groups for women suffering from chronic pelvic pain. The background of the pain can be endometriosis, fibromyalgia, vestibulitis (dyspareunia – pain during intercourse), and more.
The participants in the group will receive tools (mental, emotional, perceptual, and physical) to deal with the pain and to improve their quality of life and sexual function.
From a safe space for women who suffer from a similar problem, we will find together
- Hope and optimism
- Acceptance and self-compassion
- Trust and connection to the body
- Physical and mental ability